NJ’s ICE contracts are winding down. Help us win releases not transfers by contributing to the First Friends of NJ & NY Bond Fund.
In August, Essex County shut down the detention facility in its jail for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Recently, Hudson County officials announced that starting November 1st, they will no longer house or accept any detained individuals facing civil immigration violations. This came three weeks after Gov. Phil Murphy signed a bill banning state, county, and private facilities from renewing or entering into new contracts with ICE. An end to immigration detention in New Jersey appears to be in sight!
Having less local beds for ICE to fill is a victory for immigrant rights. But it also creates anxiety and uncertainty for those who are currently in ICE detention in New Jersey. They are left to worry that they will be transferred to other centers, possibly out of state, far from their lawyers, families, and friends.
We need your help now to make sure that as many of our friends as possible are released and not transferred.